AMIT girls aim to ease ER wait times

AMIT girls aim to ease ER wait times

Going to the emergency room is never fun and often requires hours of waiting. To help ease that process, students at AMIT Wasserman Torah, Arts and Sciences Junior High School for Girls recently developed a device that would gather and save a patient’s medical information and distribute it among medical staff treating that person.

Mind Matters

The revolutionary Israeli medical technology company Brainsway, a leader in the non-invasive treatment of brain disorders, capped off 2017 by breaking its quarterly earnings record and raising $8.5 million from Israeli investors.

Success in Sderot!

Thanks to AMIT, parents in Sderot want their children to attend a local school. With all the advanced courses in biotech, computers, engineering, robotics, and the arts, AMIT is leading the educational revolution in Sderot and beyond.

Squad Goals

Part of the AMIT network since 1995, the Anna Teich Ulpanat Haifa school is known for its emphasis on math and science achievement, and for the fact that for the past few years, 98 to 100 percent of its students have passed their matriculation exams.

Going for Golda

While Golda Meir’s legacy has been marred by the Yom Kippur War, author Francine Klagsbrun, in her new book “Lioness: Golda Meir and the Nation of Israel” writes that the war “does not define Golda Meir.”

Jewish Educators Unite!

Anyone with interest in education knows that the global educational landscape is undergoing enormous changes at lightning speed—not only are teachers’ roles changing, but pedagogical methods are being tailored to a world in which information is accessible 24/7 at the touch of a smartphone, computer, or tablet.