Ecosystems Expands to Medical, Start-Ups, & Finance Fields

AMIT prepares students for their adult life through partnerships that expand learning into real-world experiences.

AMIT prepares students for their adult life through partnerships that expand learning into real-world experiences. This goal is critical to all children, but even more so for the 70% of students from Israel’s social and geographic periphery.

The Louzoun Family Ecosystems program was piloted in 2020-2021 to give students an opportunity to practice skills in the classroom and work alongside professionals. Ecosystems exposes students to professional settings for the first time in their lives and provides invaluable opportunities to interact with Israeli leaders in key fields.

This past year, AMIT rolled out three new programs:

  1. Eco-Medicine

This past year, the Eco-Medicine project created technological solutions to medical issues. Each of the five participating AMIT schools became joint pilot teams, combining students, physicians and engineers, to solve real-life challenges, from IVF success rates to heart valve repairs and replacements. Students worked together with professionals to develop out-of-the-box prototypes.

Each week students visited professional laboratories and medical settings to learn about their subject and conduct research at places normally outside their reach. Students watched an open-heart surgery, toured operating theaters, met with doctors, nurses and technicians, to see first-hand what each professional on the team does. Eco-Medicine participants went to laboratories at Hebrew University and did research alongside university students and they brought a young, creative, entrepreneurial spirit to discussions.

  1. Eco-Start-Ups

Eco-Start-Ups gave students the opportunity to work at a tech company once a week, where they met with successful CEOs. Participation in entrepreneurship workshops and an intensive English language program positioned these students for their professional future. Students heard directly from CEOs about their personal journeys and disadvantaged backgrounds, helping students realize they too can dream big and achieve similar success.

  1. Eco-Finance

Eco-Finance partnered with the Israeli Accountants Union to provide students with a high-level financial education. Students in seven participating schools had bi-weekly workshops presented by top accountants where topics included understanding the banking system, mortgages, and budgets. These in-depth workshops were followed by bi-weekly mentor meetings that further connected the students to the topics with assignments such as preparing an analysis of their family’s budgets after a budget workshop.